If you have decided to invest your time and talent in devel­oping an appli­cation for the iOS platform, then you should know this is bound to be a rewarding experience. There have been hundreds and thousands of appli­cation devel­opers, who have invested their blood and sweat and offered their app to the App Store. Financial and profes­sional gains are huge from this endeavor. The Apple moder­ators have strict require­ments for the devel­opers to follow in order for the appli­cation to get selected. The process of adhering to the guide­lines will help you avoid the issues you might face while submitting the appli­cation. The moder­ators are in charge of rejecting an appli­cation. Following are the iOS Mobile Appli­ca­tions Require­ments from AppStore Moderators.

Terms and conditions

Apple lays down a program License agreement, which you have to accept as a developer of the appli­cation store. The Human Interface Guide­lines are included in the license.


The following set of guide­lines will improve your chances of being accepted in the appli­cation store.

  • Apps which crash are discarded.
  • Apps exhibiting bugs are discarded.
  • Apps which include hidden or undoc­u­mented features which are not mentioned in the description of the app will be discarded.
  • Apps which are incon­sistent in terms of perfor­mance will be discarded.
  • The apps that use the on-public API’s will be discarded.
  • The Beta apps that follow the Test Flight Guide­lines will only be accepted.
  • The apps that are dupli­cates of the apps in the App Store like burp, fart, Kama sutra and flash­light apps will be discarded.
  • The apps that require web browsing will be developed using iOS Web Kit and Web kit JavaScript framework.


  • The apps that do not obtain the consent of the user before trans­mitting, collecting and using location data will be repudiated.
  • The apps that use the location based API’s for the automatic control of the vehicles, flights or other vehicles will be automat­i­cally repudiated.
  • The apps which use the location based API’s in emergency situa­tions will be repudiated immediately.
  • The apps can only use the location data when it is relevant to the services and the features which are provided by the app to its under or in order to support the approved uses for advertising.

Intel­lectual property rights

  • The apps that require music or video files to be downloaded from third party apps such as YouTube, Sound­cloud, etc., without the explicit autho­rization form the app, will be discarded.
  • The apps that misspell the names of the Apple products inside their appli­cation will be discarded immediately.
  • The Apps being submitted are not allowed to use the names or trade­marks from third parties without the explicit authorization.
  • The apps stating that Apple endorses this appli­cation, will be discarded.

Personal attacks

  • Any app which is defam­atory, mean-spirited or offensive, and is likely to cause harm to the targeted group or the individual, will be repudiated.
  • The political satirists and comedians are exempted from the ban on mean spirited type commentary.

While devel­oping apps, discretion should be maintained. The apps should be submitted in accor­dance with the iOS Mobile Appli­ca­tions Require­ments from AppStore Moderators.