Iterative software development is not a single ‘thing’, but an idea or theory, that involves the approach to how software is developed.
Many websites and articles talk about the difference between iterative software development and incre­mental software development, but the two are not neces­sarily mutually exclusive. Read more

In today’s world where the infor­mation technology and companies are insep­a­rable, the role of an IT consultant becomes very signif­icant. In this regard, it is important to have a clear idea about their roles and respon­si­bil­ities and what are their deliv­er­ables as far as customers are concerned. The starting point is to under­stand that companies hire IT consul­tants to give a push to automation to the maximum possible extent, after taking into account specifics. They play a big role in integrating IT services to the core business objec­tives of the clients for whom they are working. Hence, the tasks of an IT consultant are multi­farious and cannot be looked at from the narrow prism of automation and comput­er­i­zation alone.

Consulting Stake­holders and Coming Out with an Action Plan

The starting point as far as the functions and respon­si­bil­ities of any IT consultant is to sit down with all the stake­holders and under­stand their require­ments. Once they have gone through this process, their job is to clearly define the objec­tives of the IT project that they will be taking up. It would also call for making changes to some process flow keeping the automated environment into account. Any movement from a manual process to an automated environment would have to be gradual. However, it is likely that any experi­enced IT consultant would be able to give a benchmark budget required to get the job done. This would include the infor­mation system require­ments, human resources and various other related matters.

Recom­men­dation Is Also an Important Assignment

It also would be pertinent to mention here that a good IT consultant is one who makes workable and imple­mentable recom­men­da­tions after taking the ground realities into account. It may not be always possible to move to a 100% automated state, when things are being moved from scratch. Hence, he or she would have to go through the entire process flow thoroughly and then recommend what he thinks would be in the best interest of the customers.

Infor­mation Gathering

Giving the right infor­mation and feedback to their clients is perhaps the most vital task of an IT consultant. The infor­mation may have to be sourced inter­nally and exter­nally. This would call for under­standing the various proce­dures and processes inter­nally. The same may need to be bench­marked to what compe­tition is offering. Hence, this would also require gathering infor­mation from competitors who are into similar line of business activ­ities. This is a time consuming and laborious process, and the infor­mation has to be precise, accurate and helpful for the customers to take the right decision.

Imple­men­tation, Training, Handholding

Once the basics have been estab­lished, the next job is to get into the process of putting the objec­tives in place. It would call having the right human resources to implement what has been agreed upon. This would call for training the employees and other stake­holders of the clients. There also would be the need to hand-hold the end users so as to make the best use of such automation processes.


Software designing is basically the process that defines the overall structure, objective and function of software artifacts by using a given set of various primitive compo­nents. Software designing involves solving problems and planning software solutions. There are various methods involved in software designing. All of the methods start with initial designing of software, and then refining the software as per the set of require­ments. For this particular purpose of the software designing process, different kinds of software are readily available in the market­place, and that is why you need to know how to choose a software for your software designing purpose. While selecting software for your software designing purpose, you should consider all your particular require­ments. This is mainly because, if software isn’t selected carefully, you may have to rewrite all the codes while you are shifting to some new software.

How to Choose a Software For your Software Designing Purpose

Factors to consider:
1. Software flexibility
A software tool may either have a ready-to-run program or fully customizable appli­cation development environment. Selecting a software on basis of current development require­ments is an easy task. However, you also need to consider how your software tool may scale and solve the problems, once your system starts maturing. In case you want a good software that meets all your require­ments in your current development, and you don’t wish to broaden or adjust the system’s function­ality, you may safely opt for the ready-to-use software tools. On the other hand, if you want a software which meets the needs of your existing system, and may also scale in due time, you can go for appli­cation development environment. The only problem with these types of software is that you’ll have to actually learn programming language in order to develop appli­ca­tions by yourself.

2. Software diffi­culty level
The time required for you to learn the software will basically depend on the kind of software or programming language that should be used. Ready-to-run software tools are a lot easier to learn, and they can be easily picked up fast, since they are provided with certain abstracted programming details. When choosing custom appli­ca­tions, you need to learn about proper sources where you can seek help. Lots of time is mostly spent learning the programming language used in the general environment for devel­oping the appli­cation. Hence, you need to choose an appli­cation development environment that uses the language which is familiar to you.

3. Software integration
The existence of device drivers isn’t suffi­cient to integrate the measurement device in the system. You need to choose drivers and software tools that are fully compatible with one another so as to ensure a successful integration of your entire system.

4. Avail­ability of Helpful Resources
The ecosystem that surrounds the appli­cation software is also crucial. You should check whether that ecosystem offers enough resources which can help you in learning new tools for software design. Also, check if it can provide you with guidance and feedback while you’re devel­oping your own appli­ca­tions. Thus, it’s a great idea to browse community forums so as to check just how active it actually is. Finally, check if there are any discus­sions regarding the software or if people have shared any tricks and tips about the codings.


In business today, the custom software has become a shortcut to increase compet­itive advantage. Many organi­za­tions have integrated their business model into software as an efficient and cost saving mechanism. Custom Software is tailored according to the customer’s expec­ta­tions and prefer­ences to meet specific needs. Custom software should be designed with the vision of the organi­zation in mind. Read more

Almost every person in the world uses computer these days. With that, the demand for new desktop appli­ca­tions has been reaching an all time high. Development of desktop appli­ca­tions is not an easy task. If you are self-employed or a small time developer, you have to make sure that the whole deal is cost-effective and does not cost you too much. It’s not necessary that you would earn a lot through an appli­cation and therefore, the money quotient has to be handled with care. Thus, appli­cation development can be a daunting task. However, here are 6 conse­quent steps to build your own app without experi­encing a lot of problems.
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There are many roles a developer might be entitled to while working on an IT project. Once you decide to become a developer, you should learn how to tackle your roles well in order to succeed in your project. There are several software systems in the IT field which you can use to manage your project role easily; you should take your time and decide on the best software which will make your work easier. Read more

If you have decided to invest your time and talent in devel­oping an appli­cation for the iOS platform, then you should know this is bound to be a rewarding experience. There have been hundreds and thousands of appli­cation devel­opers, who have invested their blood and sweat and offered their app to the App Store. Financial and profes­sional gains are huge from this endeavor. The Apple moder­ators have strict require­ments for the devel­opers to follow in order for the appli­cation to get selected. The process of adhering to the guide­lines will help you avoid the issues you might face while submitting the appli­cation. The moder­ators are in charge of rejecting an appli­cation. Following are the iOS Mobile Appli­ca­tions Require­ments from AppStore Moderators.
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First of all, it is important to under­stand what a web portal actually is. A web portal is a single website that displays desig­nated infor­mation in an organized manner. Web portals are used to bring infor­mation from all over the internet and show it all in one place for the person viewing the website to be able to access easily. A lot of the time, web portals will provide links to other web content based on the prefer­ences of the user and the type of the web portal.
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The corporate infor­mation systems development is designed to achieve a consistent growth in different sections of the corporate industry and to develop a good commu­ni­cation among the members. This system has a standard framework that is used to design a project, conduct the analysis, to create a solution, and to evaluate the whole process after the completion. This system is widely used for the development and growth of any industry.

What is Corporate Infor­mation Systems Development?

The corporate infor­mation system is made to plan and design any project, its imple­men­tation, and the entire working procedure that includes all the steps for the successful imple­men­tation and completion of any project. This system helps to identify and execute business process automation initia­tives, provide technical support for a project, and for the development and mainte­nance of a project. In brief, it designs and plans the entire project from the beginning to the end that includes the design, technical support, archi­tecture activ­ities, cyber security, and analysis of the overall development. Finally, it evaluates the whole proce­dures after the imple­men­tation. Corporate infor­mation system contributes to the successful imple­men­tation of any project.

Some of the key functions of the corporate infor­mation system are following:

• The system starts working with the planning of a project. It plans and manages the design, integration, execution of the department’s corporate systems, and it offers a proper solution for the finances, accounting, procurement, human resources, budget, and perfor­mance of different systems.
• The system performs multiple roles. It manages and maintains the financial activ­ities of the projects by using cost-effective, efficient and appro­priate technology that allows the diffusion and delivery of important infor­mation related to the project.
• It helps to create compat­i­bility between different sectors of the corporate business. It facil­i­tates electronic exchange of the relevant data with both external and internal stake­holders, and develops a good commu­ni­cation with headquarter programs, operating contractors, and field or managing officers.
• The system offers profes­sional infor­mation technology management assistance.
• It maintains and controls the Cyber Security program of the CFO office.
• It designs and super­vises projects and CEO technology systems and services.
• It plans, designs, and develops training materials and system documentation.
• It controls and manages the CFO web technical commu­ni­ca­tions to guarantee conformity with regula­tions, laws, and recom­mended practices.
• It describes website standards for CFO organi­zation and offers technical assistance.
• It contributes to devel­oping a good commu­ni­cation between CFO and Chief Infor­mation Services and helps the CIO and CFO in all organi­za­tional activ­ities and technical requirements.
• It controls the CFO enter­prise Archi­tec­tural Program.
• It works as a co-chair of Corporate Business Systems Config­u­ration Control Board.
• It takes part in different external and internal infor­mation technology tasks and makes the working procedure easier.
• It manages the imple­men­tation of all external and internal CFO Infor­mation Technology reporting.

Corporate Infor­mation Systems Development works success­fully from the beginning to the completion of any project. This process can be much easier and successful through the iManage system. Many companies have already used this system to make the process simple and less time-consuming.


Workflows consist of a number of repet­itive tasks in a business. As an entre­preneur, you need to invest in efficient systems which will help you run the workflows, so that the project is completed in time. Through workflow automation the software will help you handle the workflow, hence saving you time which you will use to accom­plish other tasks in your organi­zation. There are several software systems which can be used for the purpose of workflow automation; however, you need to take time and select the best software which will assure a smooth running of the organization.

Reasons to choose custom software Workflows in your business are:

1. Increased Efficiency of Task Management

By automating a repet­itive task in business, you will save time which will make it easy to meet deadlines. This will make more customers trust your business. You can use the system to set up deadlines for different tasks in your business. The junior manages can as well submit reports on the progress of the work assigned to them, hence making the work easier.

2. Web-based Central Repository

Through web-based repos­itory you can assign work to different employees from remote locations. This means you can assign work even when committed somewhere else from your office. All employees will have access to the system, which will allow for better commu­ni­cation, ensuing improved productivity.

3. Increased Mobility

Once you decide on automated workflow in your business, you will be assured of great success. Your business will avail real time progress reports so that you know where to improve on and meet your targets.

4. Simpli­fi­cation of Multiple Processes

Completing workflows manually can be very confusing. This is because many processes will be running concur­rently. With the workflow automation software you will have the processes run online. This means each employee can interact with the system from his or her Internet enabled device. This makes it very easy to manage the business as it grows.

5. Better Tracking and Auditing

The workflow software will track, save and store any modifi­cation on the uploaded files. You can easily access what other users of the system will work with. This makes it easy for business managers to track and audit infor­mation for better organi­zation management.

6. User-Friendly Experience

The best workflow software in your business will make it easy for you to introduce users to the system. This will even save you money, which you otherwise would have used on training the employees, so that they are able to use the system. Even if the workers have never used the system before, they will easily use it after they get intro­duced to it. This is due to the great user experience employed in the creation of the software.

7. Faster Form Generation

The software will make things very easy, when it comes to space required to hold paper forms. It also signif­i­cantly reduces the time required to approve forms. The notifi­cation process through the software is very fast, initi­ating immediate action, hence improving the overall efficiency of the business operation. The system can send notifi­ca­tions to all employees to notify them of certain changes in their workflow. This helps eliminate unnec­essary delays.