IT outsourcing has proven to be a prosperous strategy that has been gaining popularity year after year. In today’s compet­itive business arena, companies are always trying to find ways to cut costs and increase overall profitability. One of the best ways to achieve that is IT outsourcing. While it is true that you can outsource a number of depart­ments from help support to merchan­dising, IT outsourcing has proven to be very lucrative, as you can find a lot of IT profes­sionals residing in nations where the hourly rates are very low. If you want to know more about specific advan­tages of IT outsourcing, then you have come to the right place, as this article is going to cover the subject. Read more

Software appli­cation devel­opers have to focus on security testing crucially in today’s web world, since more and more people everyday have integrated Internet and software into their daily life. Whether it is mobile, computer software, monitoring system or even airplane, every­thing requires software to perform their rudimentary functions. Although most of your software users may not know much about software security, it is absolutely necessary for you to perform software security testing as a software provider in order to protect your software, as well as your clients, from illegal malicious activ­ities by hackers and pranksters.
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Defin­ition of the term “Proof of Concept”

Before talking about the use of Proof of Concept in Software Development let’s talk about the Proof of Concept in general.

The Proof of Concept is usually a process of verifi­cation if certain ideas or methods are viable. The Proof of Concept usually is kept incom­plete and small for cost and time efficiency goals.

Reasons to use Proof of Concept by Software Developers

Early Development Cycle

A Proof of Concept can generally be used in early development cycle of a software or to sell the concept of the software. Validation of technical feasi­bility, identi­fi­cation of the possible expec­ta­tions from a platform, identi­fi­cation of potential stumbling blocks and deter­mi­nation of the scope and customization level required neces­sarily to complete a project are some of the concepts of early development cycle of a software where PoC can be used.

Perfor­mance Issues Identification

Software devel­opers can also use PoC to identify perfor­mance issues of the project. These days most of the software devel­opers assemble various appli­ca­tions and solutions by using the functions and services offered by other appli­ca­tions and using certain integration methods. These integration methods are used in the overall context of the software to test them with trial products. It also helps in validating the assump­tions regarding the possi­bil­ities provided by the framework or platform.

In this way the results provided by the use of Proof of Concept include the confi­dence factors of technical feasi­bility along with the factors influ­encing the overall estimate of the efforts as well as the scope of efforts.

Tips to create an effective Proof of Concept Project

While creating an effective PoC Project you need to prepare documents similar to tradi­tional Software Development project  covering the functional and technical require­ments. Here are few tips below:

  • The software devel­opers who are going to use Proof of Concept to develop their Software later should prepare and display the same archi­tecture in the PoC project
  • If security is one of the main issues for a project then there shall be concept shall include a member area GUI with a login screen
  • All necessary menus and tabs including search, home-page with logo and the links for the other sub-functions of the project shall be included in the concept
  • The devel­opers can use different pages to show the interface of the PoC project after login depending on the roles of the users
  • Include a dashboard UI if required for PoC
  • PoC can be used to show the scope of inter­linking of one or two pages or modules. Make sure only the most important sections of the appli­cation are included
  • Create a sample report with an exciting UI to illus­trate the processes and KPIs
  • Include a sample graph, if your project is aimed to use graphs

Creating PoC Documentation

The entire design of the software should be also thoroughly explained in the documen­tation of you PoC. Following points with brief description can be included in PoC documentation.

  • The details of archi­tecture to be used in software development
  • The third party tools and all the technologies to be used in software development can be added to this documen­tation, explaining the reasons of choosing them
  • All the modules to be developed can be included in PoC documen­ta­tions with brief details of its functionality
  • The methods used for ensuring the security of the project can also be included in this documentation.
  • Each and every menu used in the PoC project can also be explained in it.

How Intechcore can help

At Intechcore we have a vast experience of executing PoC for our clients. Take a look as our service offer Proof of Concept in Software Development and do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Our service repre­sen­ta­tives would be glad to answer any remaining questions and get your software project started the right way, guaran­teeing the smooth ride without risks and obstacles.

Look at our PoC service offer 

For many years, a lot of longterm software support companies have been helping all kinds of business organi­za­tions. These companies utilize high end and cutting edge business processes and software to provide clients with cost-effective solutions. Their services are customized to suit your specific business needs and require­ments. They even guarantee that you’re able to achieve the best results every time. Read more

Software is the collection of instruc­tions that computers use to process data into infor­mation. This software guides the computer on what to do and helps users to interact with the computer as well. The software is created using a process that is known as software development. Software development is the process of creating software in successive steps in an orderly manner. These steps are also known as phases and are delib­erate. These phases are collec­tively known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The process of software development involves coding as well as design and evalu­ation of the final program. There are a number of phases of software development.

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In the human–computer inter­action, computer acces­si­bility refers to the acces­si­bility of the software to all people regardless of disability type or severity of the physical impairment. It is a software concern when hardware or software or a combi­nation of both is used by a person with disabilities.
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As a higher number of people are using smart­phones, PCs and other electronic gadgets to perform their day to day activ­ities, it is not a surprise that the demand of appli­ca­tions has witnessed a remarkable increase. This is the primary reason behind the increase in demand of custom software development service providers. These service providers can assist you at each stage of software development cycle, from business analysis and proto­typing to development and deployment of your solution.

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As computing and electronic hardware become more sophis­ti­cated, the complex­ities and costs of software development will continue to become harder to control. The on-going rapid evolution of hardware capac­ities and capabil­ities presents a double edged sword for software appli­ca­tions. Hardware advance­ments boost perfor­mance and function­ality, but also multiply complex­ities. This leads to expanded software require­ments that in turn can add expense and fragility to the system development.

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Sometimes, as a business owner, you may not need full-time IT support. However, when things go haywire, you need this support to be availed immedi­ately. IT consulting on demand enables you to tap into the benefits of a complete IT department that is available any time you need it. Moreover, this is a flexible package, since you only pay for the options that you need.

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Most businesses and organi­za­tions will typically use some form of software during their life cycle. The type of software used depends on the needs of the business or organi­zation. Although the software can be bought ‘off-the-shelf’, there are many benefits associated with choosing custom software for your business. Read more